Queen of Peace Catholic Church


8455 Germantown Rd.  P.O. Box 65  Olive Branch, Mississippi 38654

Office: 662-895-5007                Fax: 662-895-5036    


E-Mails:  queenop@shsm.org

Web Site:  www.qopcc.com



Schedule of Services


            Sunday Vigil ….....….…………………………………Saturday, 5:00PM

            Sunday……...….….……………………………….8:30AM & 10:30AM

            Weekdays…..……Monday – Friday…………………………….9:00AM

            Holy Days………………………………………….10:00AM & 7:00PM

            Rosary………….Monday – Friday…………………………….. 8:40AM


Office Hours


            Monday – Thursday………………………………….8:00AM – 4:00PM

            Friday……………………………………………….. 8:00AM – 1:00PM


Parish Staff


Father Robert Tucker, SCJ ………………………………Pastoral Team Leader


Father Greg Schill, SCJ……………………..……………………Pastoral Team

Father Greg Speck, SCJ…………………………..………………Pastoral Team

Father Tii Pham, SCJ……………......……………………………Pastoral Team

Sr. Emily Morgan, RSM……..……………………………………Pastoral Team

Henry Babin………….……………………………………………….…Deacon




Kay Johnston………………………….................................……Parish Secretary



Gretchen McAlexander…….....………………………………..…Facility Manager






Reconciliation……................ ………4:15 – 4:45PM on Saturday or by appointment

Baptism…..........................................By appointment – Parental preparation required

Matrimony…………... Please contact the priest at least 6 months prior to the Wedding

Anointing of the Sick………................................………...   Contact the Parish Office.

Funerals………………..............................………………   Contact the Parish Office


Parish Membership


            Parish registration forms are available for new parishioners in the church office.  If you are not registered in the parish (or not certain), please take the time to do so.  If you are a current member and have a change of address or phone number, please call the Parish Office. 

An active participating member is one who regularly participates in the liturgical life of the parish; who is committed to stewardship of time, talent and treasure.




            The weekly bulletin extends a special invitation to participate in the events of the coming week, lists the sick of the parish, Mass intentions, weekly contributions, and other information.  Announcements must be submitted in writing to the parish office no later than Monday by 4:00PM prior to the Sunday you need the announcement placed in the bulletin.  Leave your notes to the attention of Kay Johnston or email her at queenop@shsm.org  




Queen of Peace Catholic Church

History at a Glance


1954 - Claudia Wiseman, Lucie Collins and Father Thomas Simcox, SCJ discovered 12 Catholic families in the Olive Branch area.  The new 59 member congregation first met in a dance studio


1963 - The church moved to an abandoned gas station cafι on Highway 78


1974 - The church then moved to a larger multi-purpose building on Sandidge Road.


1980 - Father Jack Kurps, SCJ, became the first resident priest of Olive Branch.  The membership quickly doubled in size from 30 to 60 families.


1983 – On the Feast of Assumption, August 15th, Queen of Peace became a parish of the Jackson Diocese after existing as a mission for many years.  Father Jack Kurps, SCJ, was installed as the first pastor, followed by Father Thomas Burns, SCJ.


1993 – Father John Young, SCJ became pastor


1998 – Queen of Peace moved to Germantown Road in August with the dedication of our new building in October.  With the larger church facility, the membership grew.


2005 – In October our beloved pastor Father John Young, SCJ passed away.  Father Terence Langley, SCJ, came to be our new pastor in November and our membership has continued to grow to the more than 700 families we have today. 






Parish Organizations and Opportunities for Service


Religious Education


Ages Pre- Kindergarten through 12th Grade

Pre – K – 5th    Sunday @ 9:45am

6th – 12th          Wednesday @ 7:00PM


Contact:  Ms. Victoria Stirek   (662-895-4575)




            R.CI.A.           Wednesday @ 7:00PM

(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

Contact the church office for information. (662-895-5007)


***If you are interested in any of the ministries below please call the contact person for more information.***


Liturgical Ministry: 

Lay ministers are active as Ministers of Greeter/Usher, Lectors, Commentator, Eucharistic Ministers, Sacristans, and Altar Servers.  Their dedicated participation greatly enhances the reverent celebration of the Mass.  Serving on one or more of these ministries is an excellent way to give generously of one’s time and talent to the parish.  Parishioners willing to serve as a liturgical minister are invited to attend one of the Ministry Workshops, which are held periodically and are advertised in the bulletin.  For more information, please contact the parish office (662-895-5007).


Bible Study Group: 

This group meets every Wednesday after the 9:00am mass.

Contact:   Lyle Hennen                       662-420-4365


Children’s Liturgy of the Word: 

This group exists to provide an opportunity for children to hear readings and respond to them in a simpler language during the 10:30 am mass.

Contact:   Mrs. Diane Ackerman        901-737-2298


Vacation Bible School:

Children (grades Pre-K – 5th) learn how God works in the lives of his people.  Children are grouped by age, with activities, drama, music, snacks, etc.  Youth and adult volunteers are actively sought, as the program is organized and conducted entirely by them.  Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 12:00 mid June. 

Contact:    Laura Sloan           662-893-2151  



Finance Committee      

Contact:   Mike Martin           662-349-0528 


Parish Council    





This group is a spiritual, musical and social group.  Our goal is to enhance the liturgy encouraging all the faithful to participate in song and worship, incorporating both traditional and contemporary music, in English, Latin and Spanish, as well as special choral selections.  We invite High school and adult musicians and singers to join us in our efforts to share God’s word in worship, service, fellowship and song.  Rehearsals – Wednesdays @ 7:00pm.


Men’s Club 

Contact: Tracy Lindsey    tdellindsey@aol.com



Women’s Club

Contact: Janet Beck    (901-486-2384)



Ministry of the Sick 

Contact: Carolyn Johnston     (662-349-2559)
Ann Brocato               (662-890-0184)



Bereavement Committee:   

This ministry exists to bring love from Queen of Peace to the family of those who pass away.  We provide a meal immediately following the funeral service for whomever the family wants by their side.

Contact:          Janet Beck                   (901-486-2384)    or    Barbara Dees              (662-895-4839)

                         bilandjanbeck@yahoo.com                            barabara.dees@bnsf.com


Catholic Social Services

Contact:          Sr. Pauline Egan, PBVM     9607 Hwy. 178    Olive Branch, MS     (662-893-0255)


Olive Branch Community Emergency Food Ministry

Contact:          Diane O’Rourke         (662-893-2435)



Olive Branch Thrift Store

Contact:          Betty Cail                    (662-895-8912)



Youth Group

Contact:          Gloria Morarity            (662-895-2207)



Young at Heart Group

Contact :         Ann Liberto                (662-895-6950)



Sunday Office Angels

Contact :         Lisa Sanford              (662-893-4012)


Knight’s of Columbus

Contact :         Joe Suhanin                 (662-895-3084)



Bilingual Drama Club

Contact :         Monica Sanchez          (662-893-1486)


Mom’s Group

Contact :         Celia Webb                 (901-634-6717)



Catholic Girl’s Club

Contact:          Mary Jerkins                (662-895-5844)




Contact:          Amy Taylor                 (662-895-4988)




Contact:          Roy Gaia                     (662-893-3022)



Bulletin Prayer List

Contact:          Kay Johnston                 662-895-5007


Phone Prayer Circle

Contact:          Midge Kenny              (662-893-6038)



Email Prayer Circle

Contact:          Diana O’Rourke          (662-893-2435)



Handyman Ministry

Contact:          Tim Stocking               (662-890-7695)
